Laser Diode Driver Modules

DEI offers a variety of laser diode driver modules designed with the laser application designer in mind.

A range of form factors, compliance voltages and pulse configurations allow for a wide variety of applications including both single diode and diode arrays as well as non-laser applications requiring a current source.

These modules can be optimized through our Lab to Launch program for specific requirements and are perfect for OEM installations.

Typical Applications
  • Marking and Engraving
  • Scientific Research
  • Micromachining
  • Medical & Cosmetic Laser
Laser Diode Driver Short-form Catalog

Our Laser Diode Driver Modules are sorted by Compliance Voltage by default but you can sort any column by clicking the column header or search by part number or parameter in the search field on the right.

The specifications listed below represent the highest performance point. Consult the datasheet and/or operating manual to see full safe operating area (SOA) information.

* Filter by Compliance Voltage (V), Maximum Current (A), Maximum Frequency (kHz), Minimum Pulse Width (PWm), Computer Control and Form Factor with the filter selection tool.